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The Montreal Oral School for the Deaf specializes in langage development for children with a hearing loss Our students learn to listen and speak.
Regardless of the level or type of hearing loss, with early intervention and immense technological advancements in hearing assistance, it is possible for a child to learn to listen and speak<.
To achieve this, the school prioritizes an auditory-verbal approach to learning, which focuses on auditory skills. This is our expertise.
By intervening as early as possible, we offer families a linguistic path for their child to learn to speak, read, and write. The close collaboration between our teaching staff and healthcare professionals provides families and children with the opportunity to immerse themselves in a language-rich environment that emphasizes auditory skills.
The ultimate goal for all our young learners is to facilitate successful integration into the school of their choice, whether it be at the preschool, primary, or secondary level, with the appropriate support services, so they can pursue their educational journey alongside their hearing peers.
Teaching order
General Director
Luisa Cordoba
4670, rue Sainte-Catherine, Westmount (Québec) H3Z 1S5
514 488-4946https://montrealoralschool.comRegion : Montréal
Municipality : Montréal
Borough : Westmount
Luisa Cordoba
Director general
514 488-4946
By appointment
Registration opens:
All year
For the school year: 2023-2024
Total number of students : 53 (avec pré-scolaire 3 ans)
Number of Pre-K girls : 3
Number of Pre-K boys : 4
Number of kindergarten girls : 4
Number of kindergarten boys : 7
Number of elementary school girls : 10
Number of elementary school boys : 15
Number of high school girls : Mme Luisa Cordoba