Thanks to a philosophy that focuses our teaching team’s actions on students, CSB has fostered the well-rounded development and full potential of it students since 1962.
CSB’s concerted efforts are aimed at developing students’ perseverance, decision-making skills and esteem for themselves, others and the environment. Upholding the values of respect, hard work and independence, our curriculum maximizes our students’ academic, educational and personal success.
CSB has long been recognized for its expertise in teaching English, its use of technology and its safe and reassuring environment. In September 2017, CSB took a bold educational turn by creating a stimulating and contemporary educational environment designed according to “innovation zones” that foster personalized learning through collaboration. A leader in Quebec, CSB is indeed a cutting-edge school with an enviable learning environment.
CSB’s great diversity of stimulating programs, top-of-the-line sports facilities and rich academic life are unique to the region and ensure the learning and growth of students of varying profiles and socioeconomic backgrounds. Innovative, creative, dynamic and safe, this one-of-a-kind setting is truly adapted to the 21st century.